Raised Garden Bed Worms (Everything You Need To Know)

Raised garden bed worms make the soil fertile by breaking down organic matter, increasing aeration, and moistening the soil.

Worms will eventually find their way into the raised bed garden through the bottom or side.

Manually adding worms into the garden is not necessary. It will take some time for them to come naturally.

So if you are starting a new raised bed and do not want to wait for mother nature it’s okay to cheat once in a while.

In this piece, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about worms, including how to raise them naturally at home. Worms of the best type.

Why do we need worms, for example?

3 Ways Worms Improve Your raised bed garden


Worms are commonly referred to as topsoil physicians. There is so much upside to the work they perform in soil.

1. Increased Nutrient Availability!

Worms devour plant detritus such as decaying leaves and roots, among other things. In comparison to the soil around them, worm casts are extremely nutrient-dense. Their casts contain a lot of easily available nitrogen for plants to use.

According to a study conducted in New Zealand, worm casts contain four times the amount of phosphorus found in surface soil. Worms have tunnels in which they store their castings (full of nutrients).

Root development is strongest in tunnel casts. Worm tunnels allow plant roots to grow deeper into the soil and receive additional moisture and nutrients.

2. Improving soil drainage

worms improve soil drainage
Worms improve soil drainage

It is a compact soil if the soil in your raised bed is old. Worms can help you with a variety of tasks. Their channeling and burrowing loosen the soil, which improves aeration and drainage.

According to studies, worm-infested soil drains 10 times faster than non-infested soil. In soil with worms, water penetration is 6 times better.

3. They improve the structure of the soil

In a raised bed garden, soil structure is quite important. A well-structured soil may hold a lot more rainwater. Worm casts operate as a cementing agent, binding soil particles together to form aggregates.

These aggregates have a high capacity for holding moisture. Worms also contribute to excellent dirt by leaving their casts on the ground. In a study, earthworms produced 18cm of topsoil over a 30-year span.

Are There Harmful Worms?

This is no longer a secret. Worms promote soil structure, drainage, and nutrient availability. These elements boost productivity either directly or indirectly. According to studies, one acre with 50000 worms can produce up to 50 tons of casting.

We all know how vital and beneficial worm casting is for plants. We don’t want 50 tons, but a few grams will be enough in our raised bed garden.

Yes! It is true. All the worms are not good and they cannot everything I specified here. There are 1800 species of Encyclopedia Britannica. Some of these species are good and open up the soil, some of them do the exact opposite.

They compact the soil. That’s bad. So, it is highly vital that you complete your study before bringing worms to your bed. According to studies, North America had no worms for thousands of years. They brought worms to North America and they ruined the forest by destroying the litter’s deep surface.

Here I will discuss several good species of worms

Beneficial worms For A raised bed garden

1. Lumbricus Terrestris

type of worm
Lumbricus Terrestris

These are anecic worms aka the largest species of earthworms. They are present all throughout the planet. Their size is ranging from 20 to 25 cm. A specimen of this species was found in CW China in 2012, the size of that specimen is around 50 cm.

They are often termed common earthworms or lobworms. Generally, they graze on plants’ dead leaves, but they can also find nourishment from dead insects and excrement. They build burrows deep in the dirt, coming to the surface for feeding. They place dead leaves or insects in their mouth and partially digest their food here and then devour it.

2. Lumbricus rubellus

These worms are also called red earthworms. Their size is 25mm to 105mm in length. The body is formed of smooth reddish and semi-transparent segments. They prefer soil with abundant organic materials.

Need a high moisture content of soil for gas exchange. They usually feed on organic matter with a high decomposition state. They make it easier for plants to ingest nutrients by boosting the rate of transfer of matter through each trophic level.

3. Allolobophora caligninosa

They are usually found in Great Britain and are popularly known as grey worms. They have 3 unique tones of colors on the front. When they are not moving, their size is 6cm. They are primarily found in burrows of topsoil. They feed on the soil rich in organic materials.

4. Eisenia fetida

It has so many common names: redworm, brandling worm, panfish worm, trout worm, tiger worm, red wiggler worm, red Californian earthworm, etc. Eisenia fetida are the finest performers in decomposing foods, compost, and manure.

Eisenia fetida are mostly found in Europe but are now cultivated all over the world. They are also being utilized in no-flush toilets.

5. Eisenia hortensis

They are generally known as European Nightcrawlers. They have a medium size. When are completely developed they have a weight of 1.5g. Blueish, ping grey clour of body.

These worms were discovered in garden soil which is rich in organic content and in the deep woods litter. A medium with a higher carbon to nitrogen ratio is best for them. It means they do exceptionally well in compost pits.

6. Perionyx excavatus

These worms are commercially generated worms. Perionyx excavatus are composting worms, known as blue or Indian blue. They are quite popular in the market for making quick worm castings. They are suitable for tropical and subtropical environments.

Their size is 1-3 inches. Have 2 different colors, the head is purple and the hinds portions are red-brown.

7. Amynthas Gracilis

These worms can grow up to 4-6 inches long. Have pink or brown tones. They do well in warm temperatures. The presence of these worms can increase the porosity of soil and facilitate the circulation of water in the soil.

8. Eudrilus eugeniae

They are also called African Nightcrawlers. They are endemic to tropical West Africa but currently, they are distributed all over the world in warm climates. The optimal temperature for them is 50-degrees. They can grow up to 10 inches long and 2.5g in just 8-10 weeks.

How To Introduce Worms in Raised Bed Gardens

introducing worms
Introducing worms

Spring is the best time to introduce beneficial worms to your soil. To introduce good worms, follow these simple steps:

  • Purchase 1-2 pounds of cornmeal and sprinkle it on a section of your raised garden.
  • Mix cornmeal into the raised bed’s topsoil with a shovel.
  • Keep the moisture level in this area high by watering it. The plan will be harmed if it gets too wet.
  • Bacteria will proliferate in that area in just 30 days, assisting worm activity.
  • Add a pound of cornmeal every two weeks during this time.
  • Instead of cornmeal, you can use organic matter like compost or manure. Organic matter attracts earthworms and enriches your soil with nutrients.

Another easy way to introduce and attract worms is to

Purchase a cheap bag of organic manure and cut a long slit in the bag’s belly. Choose a shady spot and place the manure bag there. Remember to place the slit side of the bag down.

If you do this in the fall, the bag of manure will be full of worms and offspring by spring. Now, place these worms in your compost-filled raised bed garden.

Worm-Care Tips

Worms’ diet and environment are extremely important to them. Here’s how you can keep them safe from the elements.

1. Add Compost Or Manure

Some people just wanted to win the race, so they went out and bought a big bucket of worms to put in their raised bed garden, thinking it would increase the castings. But that isn’t the case. Worms will either die or flee. To keep them at your job, you’ll need to add organic compost and manure.

2. Heat and Moisture

The majority of worms prefer a warm environment. They perform best in warm weather. The best time to introduce them is during the spring. Maintain a temperature of 15-30 degrees Celsius to keep your soil moist. Even if you live in a very hot climate, you can keep them alive by maintaining a slightly higher moisture level. Not by a long shot.

3. Less Tilling

I understand that tilling is beneficial to the soil. However, worms are harmed by excessive tilling or digging. More tilling, according to agricultural research, means fewer worms. Some believe that if a worm is cut in half, it will regrow into two halves like a starfish. But, unfortunately, it is a complete fabrication.

The best part of the raised bed garden is this area. All you have to do now is add some compost on top of it. There is no need to till the soil. There was no back pain, and there were no worms to kill.

4. Add Mulch

Worms thrive in moist environments. We’ve already discussed it. In extremely hot weather, mulch can help to reduce evaporation. Mulch is also beneficial to your plants.

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