What Does Wild Asparagus Look Like And Can You Transplant Them?

Wild asparagus grows in very harsh unregulated conditions. They go through a lot before reaching maturity.

Because of these harsh conditions, wild asparagus is smaller than asparagus grown in raised beds. However, wild asparagus is sweeter and have a denser flavor. So, what does wild asparagus look like?

Mature wild asparagus look like ordinary asparagus. Wild asparagus resemble a fern with a busy top. The leaves and stems change from green to yellow to brown with age.

You can mark the spot with wild asparagus, so where to go hunting next season? Older wild asparagus looks almost beige as the green pigment gets bleached by the sun, and the plant stops making more.

What Is Wild Asparagus Good For?

What is wild asparagus good for? Asparagus is a healthy vegetable with low sodium and is fat-free. According to the University of Wyoming, it is packed with lots of nutrients and provides about three calories from eating one spear. Asparagus is a cure for indigestion and acts as a mild sedative. It also acts as a laxative.

Some of the beneficial nutrients you get from asparagus are:

Vitamins A & C – lower the risk of heart disease and dementia in the elderly. Folate also lowers the risk of heart disease. According to the University of Wyoming, it also contains potassium which helps maintain blood pressure.

From farm to table, asparagus is easy to cook. Wash them under running sink water to remove the dirt. Trim the hardened ends and cook them to a tender and crisp texture.

Why Transplant Wild Asparagus?

Wild asparagus are vibrant and live for many years (over 20 years). They produce spears over several weeks. Under the right conditions, wild asparagus can yield several spears and become crowded over time.

The main reason to transplant wild asparagus is to bring them closer for easy harvesting. Also, asparagus quickly get overcrowded and will deplete the nutrients in the area. Soon, you might not be able to enjoy the delicious wild asparagus. Transplant wild asparagus to reduce the risk of overcrowding. Keep reading.

You can also transplant wild asparagus o get them into a suitable site where they can thrive. Remove wild asparagus from the soil with low nutrients to lower competition.

Can You Transplant Wild Asparagus?

Let’s say you identified some wild asparagus one day and want to plant some in your kitchen garden. You might wonder, ‘can you transplant wild asparagus into your garden?’ Well, yes. Wild asparagus also does well in the kitchen garden, if not better, because the conditions are better.

Here is how you transplant wild asparagus:

Digging around wild asparagus root

Use a trowel to dig around the base of the asparagus plant. Try and avoid the roots as much as possible to increase the chances of success when transplanted into the garden. You can use a fork spade to evade the roots as you divide the tangled asparagus roots.

Once the roots are clear of the soil, you can lift out the crown and trim the roots to get them ready for planting.

Make a deep and wide trench to fit the wild asparagus toots. Then add some compost and mix it with the soil. Well-drained sandy soils are the best for wild asparagus.

Place the asparagus transplant into the soil and spread the roots evenly at the bottom of the trench. Make sure the crown is facing up.

When done, pack the soil around the roots and water generously.

What Time Of Year Do You Can You Transplant Wild Asparagus?

Now you answered the question ‘what does wild asparagus look like?’ and can cook it. The next question, naturally, will be, what season can you pick them up? Wild asparagus usually appear around late April to early May, depending on the warmth of spring.

You can harvest some wild asparagus in February for those in California. In Canada, you can score some asparagus as late as June. May is the best time to score some wild asparagus in Colorado.

Wild asparagus are mostly tough to spot because they blend so well with tall grass that you might miss them. You might only find wild asparagus when it is too late to harvest.

Read Also: How Deep Do Asparagus Roots Grow In Soil?

Where To Look For Wild Asparagus?

You can easily identify ‘what does wild asparagus look like in rural areas with much wild vegetation. They grow around water catchment areas such as irrigation pans or ditches.

Look for old yellowing asparagus plants from the previous year. They are easy to spot, and the younger asparagus usually forms around the older plants. Once you spot an oldie wild asparagus, check closer around its base for younger stems. You can harvest them immediately or come back later when they are slightly bigger.

While foraging for wild asparagus, remember not to trespass. Stay in public places at all times unless you’ve been invited.

Wild asparagus also grow along telephone lines, fence posts, and trees where birds like to perch. This is likely because birds like to eat the seeds. When they perch on these places, they poop the seeds. The seeds eventually grow into mature wild asparagus.


Wild asparagus can be tough to spot. You can harvest them during spring. They start turning yellow when they are old and disappear into the grass. Transplanting wild asparagus will benefit you by having them closer.


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