Growing Corn In Small Spaces (4 Ways To Do It).

What if I told you that corn can grow in small spaces? Growing corn in small spaces is not as big or as full as it would be in larger areas, but the taste is still just as good. Acres of corn won’t be expected or necessary to grow a successful crop this year. The following five tips will help you do just that.

Introduction to the 5 ways to grow corn in small spaces

Corn is a versatile crop that can be grown in a variety of ways, including in small spaces. There are many reasons to grow corn in small spaces, including to save space, to grow a smaller crop, or to try a new method of growing corn.

The 4 ways to grow corn in small spaces are:

1. In containers

2. In raised beds

3. In the ground

4. Intercropped

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose the right method for your needs. Growing corn in small spaces in containers is a great option for those with limited space, as it allows you to grow corn in a small area.

Raised beds are another option for those with limited space, as they allow you to control the soil quality and drainage.

Growing corn in the ground is the traditional way of growing this crop, but it does require more space than other methods.

Intercropping is a good option for those who want to maximize their use of space, as it allows you to grow two or more crops in the same area.

Method 1: Garden Bed

When it comes to gardening, there are many ways for growing corn in small spaces. One method is to create a garden bed specifically for corn. This can be done by tilling up an area of soil and adding some organic matter, such as compost or manure.

You will also need to make sure the bed gets full sun and has good drainage. Once the bed is prepared, you can plant your corn seeds about 1-2 inches deep. Be sure to space them out so that each seed has room to grow.

Water the seeds well and keep the soil moist throughout the growing season. When the corn is ready to harvest, simply cut down the stalks and enjoy!

Method 2: Garden Tower

If you have a bit more space to work with, you can try growing corn in a garden tower. This is a great option if you want to grow a lot of corn at once, or if you have limited space in your yard.

To build a garden tower for corn, you will need:

-4 PVC pipes (10 feet long and 3 inches in diameter)

-4 T-connectors

-8 elbow connectors


-Corn seeds


First, mark out a square area in your yard that is 4 feet by 4 feet. Then, use the PVC pipes and connectors to build a frame that is 4 feet tall.

Fill the frame with soil, and then plant your corn seeds. water the seeds regularly, and soon you will have corn growing up your very own garden tower!

Method 3: Raised Beds

If you don’t have a lot of space, try growing your corn in raised beds. This will give the roots room to grow and the soil will warm up faster in the spring, giving the plants a head start.

You can make your own raised beds out of wood or buy them ready-made. Be sure to line the bottom with newspapers or landscape fabric to prevent weeds from taking over.

Fill the bed with a good quality potting mix or garden soil and add some compost to give the plants a nutrient boost.

Sow the seeds thinly, about an inch apart, and water well. When the seedlings are about four inches tall, thin them out so that they are about eight inches apart.

Corn needs room to grow, so don’t be tempted to plant too many seeds in one bed.

Water regularly during the growing season and fertilize every few weeks with a balanced fertilizer to keep the plants healthy and produce lots of ears of corn.

Harvest when the ears are plump and full and the husks are dry – usually around 80 days after planting.

Method 4: Container Gardening

If you have limited space for a garden, container gardening is a great option. You can grow corn in containers that are at least 10 gallons in size.

Be sure to use a well-draining potting mix and water your corn regularly. fertilize your corn plants every two weeks with a balanced fertilizer.

Corn is a heavy feeder and will need plenty of nutrients to grow well. When the weather starts to warm up, you can move your containers outdoors.

Just be sure to harden off your plants gradually so they don’t get shocked by the change in temperature.

How Much Space Is enough?

Corn seeds will need about 6 inches of space in the beginning. This should be increased as they grow.

When they are about 6 inches tall, you can remove the excess crops and leave about 12 inches of space between them. In between the rows, leave about 30 inches of space.

Because they are still quite close, a lot of care is needed to ensure they produce healthy fruit. When corn seeds are planted close together, it will affect the final yield and health of the crops. Water regularly and tend to the crops frequently.


When space is a problem, one has to get creative in the ways to use the space. Just because you have a small space doesn’t mean you should miss out on enjoying sweet farm-fresh corn. Try these ideas out today.

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