What Happens If You Plant Corn Too Close Together?

Planting corn too close together will lead to a disappointing harvest. That sucks! You just spent many hours on the farm only to get very tiny cobs. You need to space your corn correctly so that you can get a good harvest.

How Close Can You Plant Corn Next To Each Other?

You can plant corn 8-12 inches apart if you’re growing in wet conditions. In a hotter and dry climate, you can leave 16 to 20 inches of space between each corn plant.

You leave more space in dry areas so that the roots have a larger area to source for nutrients.

Planting corn 12 inches apart is considered narrow spacing. However, it has advantages, like moisture retention and controlling weeds.

When they call plants are grown very close together the weeds at the bottom don’t can sunlight and die. Also, the soil is not heated with direct sunlight and that reduces evaporation and increases soil moisture retention.

Sweet is grown in hills. Where you can plant 4 to 5 seeds per hill with approximately 3 inches between seeds.  According to Iowa state university, the hills should be spaced 2.5 feet apart and 3 feet between rows.

What Happens If You Plant Too Close Together?

If you plant corn too close together, you will not get good results. Here are the reasons why:

1. The corn will be stunted.

Corn is a very important crop for farmers, because it’s one of the most widely grown crops in the United States. Corn can be eaten fresh or processed into various forms: cornmeal, cornstarch and even syrup!

If you plant your new crop too close together, they may not get enough sunlight and nutrients to grow properly. This could lead to stunted plants with poor yields and lower quality kernels than you would’ve wanted from them (or perhaps none at all).

Corn roots grow deep and spread wide to reach moisture and nutrients. When they are planted too close together there is a lot of competition so some crops become stunted.

2. The corn will be leggy.

The corn plant is a tall plant and needs room to grow. If you plant it in close proximity, it will be leggy and weak stalks. This makes for an inferior yield of grain on your crop, so don’t do it!

3. The corn may rot in the ground.

If you plant corn too closely together, the soil may be too wet or too dry. This can cause the corn to rot in the ground.

If you fertilize with nitrogen fertilizer, this can also cause problems for your plants as it makes them grow faster than they should.

The plants will produce more leaves and stems than they need to survive and make new seeds that are not required by nature. This causes the plant to stop growing after a while since there is no way for it to support itself anymore without leaving behind dead stems on its roots which prevents new growth from happening!

4. There will be a reduced yield of kernels at harvest.

You may notice that your corn plants are leggy, or they may appear to be stunted and not as tall. This is because corn plants have a natural tendency to grow towards the light, so if you plant them too closely together, they will stay closer together and not be able to spread out as much.

The kernels themselves will also be smaller than normal due to being packed closely together on the cob at harvest time. If this happens during planting season (which usually happens in spring), there will still be some kernels left on each cob after they’ve been removed from the stalk; but these small ones won’t produce any more kernels than usual because they’re already full of all those tiny seeds inside!

5. If you plant corn too close together you will not get good results.

Corn is a low-growing crop, meaning it does not reach the height of other crops like wheat or tomatoes. This makes it especially important to space out your corn plantings so that they can grow into healthy plants.

Corn needs space to grow:

  • Corn roots need room to grow and spread out deep into the soil. There are several ways you can use small spaces to grow corn like raised beds. If you don’t give them this room, they will not get enough nutrients from their food source (the soil). They may also rot at the base of their stems or wilt away entirely because there isn’t enough moisture around them for proper growth.


Now that you know what happens if you plant corn too close together, the next time you are planting corn in your garden be sure to space them properly. This will ensure that the seeds have enough room to grow into full-sized ears of sweet corn when they’re ready for harvest!

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