Staking Tomato Plants: Is It Better To Stake Or Cage Tomatoes?

If you are growing tomatoes in your garden, you might be wondering whether it is better caging or staking tomato plants. Staking and caging are two common methods of supporting tomato plants and preventing them from sprawling on the ground.

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on your gardening goals, space, and preferences.

In this blog post, we will explain what staking and caging are. Also, you’ll know how they affect tomato growth and health, and how to choose the best option for your plants.

What Is the difference between staking and caging tomatoes?

Staking and caging are two ways of supporting tomato plants as they grow taller and heavier with fruits. Tomatoes’ deep roots cannot support all the weight.


Staking involves tying the main stem of the tomato plant to a vertical stake or pole next to it. The stake can be made of wood, metal, plastic or bamboo.

As the plant grows, you need to tie it loosely every 6 to 8 inches. Use a soft material like twine or cloth strips.

Staking keeps the plants upright. It also exposes them to more sunlight and air circulation, which can improve fruit quality and reduce disease problems.

Staking also saves space in the garden, as you can plant tomatoes closer together.

However, staking requires more work than caging. You need to prune off any side shoots (suckers) that grow from the main stem and tie new growth regularly.

Staking also puts more stress on the plants. You might end up cracking or splitting of the fruits if they are not watered evenly.


Caging involves placing a wire or wooden cage around the tomato plant. Start them young and let them grow naturally inside the cage.

The cage should be sturdy enough to support the weight of the plant and tall enough to accommodate its growth. As the plant grows, it will lean on the sides of the cage for support.

Caging supports the plants without pruning or tying, which makes it easier and less time-consuming than staking. You have the benefit of avoiding common tomato pruning mistakes altogether.

Caging also allows the plants to develop more foliage, which can protect the fruits from sunscalds and pests.

However, caging takes up more space in the garden than staking. You need to leave enough room between cages for air circulation and harvesting.

Caging also makes it harder to monitor and control diseases that may affect the lower leaves of the plants.

So which method is better for your tomatoes?

It depends on what type of tomatoes you are growing and what you want from them.

If you are growing determinate tomatoes, you may prefer staking them. It makes for easier harvesting and better fruit quality. Determinate tomatoes stop growing at a certain height and produce all their fruits at once.

If you are growing indeterminate tomatoes, you may prefer caging them. Caging them reduces maintenance efforts. Indeterminate tomatoes are those that keep growing indefinitely until frost kills them.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to staking or caging tomatoes. You can experiment with both methods in your garden and see what works best for you.

The most important thing is to provide some kind of support for your tomato plants. Tomato plants should not lie on the ground. Lying on the ground can cause rotting and pest infestation.

factors to consider when deciding On Staking vs Caging

Both staking and caging have benefits and drawbacks for tomato plants. Here are some factors to consider when deciding which method to use:


Staked tomato plants take up less space than caged ones because they grow upright with less branching. This means you can plant more tomatoes in a smaller area if you stake them.

However, staked plants may need more pruning to remove excess foliage and suckers that compete with fruit production.

Air Circulation

Staked tomato plants have better air circulation than caged ones because they are more exposed to wind and sun. This reduces the risk of fungal diseases like blight or mildew that thrive in humid conditions.

However, staked plants may also be more prone to sunscald or wind damage if they are not protected by mulch or shade cloth.

Fruit Quality

Caged tomato plants tend to produce more fruits than staked ones because they have more branches and leaves that photosynthesize and produce sugars for fruit development.

However, caged fruits may be smaller or less uniform than staked ones because they receive less attention from pruning or harvesting.

Fruit Protection

Caged tomato plants offer more protection for their fruits than staked ones because they are surrounded by a barrier that keeps them off the ground and away from pests like slugs or rodents.

However, caged fruits may also be harder to access or see when they are ripe because they are hidden by foliage.

Ease of Care

Staked tomato plants require more care than caged ones. They need regular tying, pruning and harvesting throughout their growth cycle. Staking also makes it easier to manage tomato drip irrigation.

However, staked plants also make these tasks easier because they are more accessible from all sides.

Staking vs Caging: How To Choose The Best Option For Your Plants?

The best option for supporting your tomato plants depends on several factors such as:

  • The type of tomatoes you are growing: Determinate varieties (those that grow to a set height and produce all their fruits at once) usually do well with cages because they don’t need much pruning or tying. Indeterminate varieties (those that keep growing until frost) usually do better with stakes because they need more support and control over their growth.
  • The size of your garden: If you have limited space in your garden, you may prefer staking over caging because it allows you to fit more plants in a smaller area.
  • The amount of time you have: If you don’t mind spending some extra time caring for your tomatoes, you may enjoy staking over caging because it gives you more involvement in shaping your plants.
  • The quality of your soil: If you have poor soil that drains poorly or lacks nutrients, you may benefit from staking over caging because it allows you to add compost or fertilizer directly around each plant’s root zone.

4 Methods Of Supporting Tomato Plants

Staking tomato plants helps to keep them off the ground, prevent diseases and pests, improve air circulation and sunlight exposure, and make harvesting easier.

There are different methods of staking tomato plants, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we will explore four common methods of staking tomato plants: cages, stakes, trellises, and spirals.


Cages are metal or plastic structures that surround the tomato plant and provide support for its branches. Cages are easy to use and install; you just need to place them over the plant when it is young and let it grow inside the cage.

Cages can accommodate different sizes and shapes of tomato plants, and they do not require pruning or tying.

However, cages can also be expensive, bulky, and difficult to store. They may not be strong enough to support heavy or tall varieties of tomatoes, and they may limit access to the fruits.


Stakes are wooden or metal poles that are inserted into the ground next to the tomato plant. Stakes provide vertical support for the main stem of the plant; you need to tie the stem to the stake with twine or clips as it grows.

Stakes are inexpensive, simple, and space-saving; they can be used for any type of tomato plant.

However, stakes also require regular pruning and tying; you need to remove any side shoots or suckers that grow from the stem to prevent overcrowding and direct more energy to fruit production.

Stakes may also not provide enough support for heavy or sprawling branches.


Trellises are horizontal or diagonal wires or strings that are attached to posts or frames along a row of tomato plants.

Trellises provide flexible support for multiple stems and branches; you need to weave or tie them to the wires or strings as they grow.

Trellises are efficient, sturdy and attractive; they can support large numbers of tomato plants in a small area. They also allow better air circulation and sunlight exposure than cages or stakes.

However, trellises also require more materials, labor and skill than cages or stakes; you need to build a strong structure that can withstand wind and weight. You also need to prune and train your tomato plants regularly.


Spirals are metal rods that have a spiral shape along their length. Spirals are inserted into the ground next to the tomato plant; they act as both a stake and a cage for the plant.

Spirals provide an easy way of supporting your tomato plant; you just need to twist your stem around the spiral as it grows.

Spirals do not require any pruning or tying; they allow your plant to grow naturally without any restriction.

However, spirals can also be costly, limited in availability and hard to find in stores. They may not suit all types of tomatoes; some varieties may grow too tall or wide for spirals.


Staking and caging are both effective ways of supporting your tomato plants as they grow taller and heavier with fruits. Both methods have their pros and cons depending on your preferences and goals. By understanding what each method entails and how it affects tomato growth and health, you can choose
the best option for your plants and enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious tomatoes.

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