Category Pumpkins

when do pumpkin plants stop producing and why

When Do Pumpkin Plants Stop Producing and Why?

Pumpkins, with their vibrant orange hue and associations with autumn, have become iconic symbols of the season. Whether carved into spooky jack-o’-lanterns or transformed into delicious pies, the popularity of pumpkins extends far beyond Halloween. However, like all plants, pumpkin…

50 types of pumpkins to grow

50 Types Of Pumpkin To Grow.

Let’s run through a list of different types of pumpkin to grow based on the visual characteristics of their fruit. Then you can order seeds to start growing your pumpkin patch.  Classic Orange Varieties These are the commonly grown orange…

all about pumpkin plant leaves

Pumpkin Plant Leaves: All You Need To Know

What is pumpkin leaf good for? Pumpkin plant leaves provide a sufficient amount of several essential nutrients, including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron. And in addition to the numerous advantages for one’s vision, from vitamin A, there are…